Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Year's Resolution

Heiheihei! I've given the last exams of the first term finally... We're free... Well not really because come on guys since when school leaves us? 

Well, I thought that everything is going to change in a better way when it's a new year so far... But I realised that the only thing that changes is the number and the calendars. But if you want to change YOURSELF then YOU need to do something to make a better you. There is not a magic wand that make your life easier and better. If you want to change things, you better start now. 
So first I'm going to sum up 2014 and share my resolution with you guys :)


I was an 8th grader.
I became best friends with Alena, Sera and Lara.
My cousins Tamara and Billy came from England and we spent a lot of good time.
A new cousin, Valentina was born!
I went to Europe with my mom for the summer break
I started to high school.
I had even more friends.
I joined to the MUN club!!!1!11! Can you believe it?!

2015 Resolution

1♥ Go to America and shop from your favourite stores.
2♥ Go see your cousins and spend amazing time with them
3♥ Watch a lot of movies and series, you couldn't last year!
4♥ Read more books
5♥ Convince your dad to allow you to take cello classes.
6♥ Make YouTube videos! (Even you don't share them for public)
7♥ Have an MUN experience
8♥ Be kind to the people arround you.
9♥ Be more confident!
10♥ Stop reading Wattpad stories and study for your exams! Studying before the exam period is not enough.
11♥ Chemistry... You got that...
12♥ Take A LOT of photos this summer
13♥ Workout, dance, go to the gym, swim, just get active!
14♥ Pay more attention to your blog!
15♥ Improve your languages!

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.Write a good one. -Brad Paisley

What's your resolution/plan for 2015?
Stay tuned!

Jessica ♥

1 comment :

  1. I love a good new years resolution!!
    Love Emina


